As research for his role on the design team for the Inglewood Bird
Sanctuary Restoration Project and designer of the new crossing Tim Knowles proposed a one month residence in the Inglewood Bird Sanctuary in Calgary, Canada - the aim being two fold; 1. to studying the wildlife and the workings of the sanctuary to gain a deep understanding of the site. And 2. to produce a series of new works for exhibition.
For a full month often before dawn or after dusk Tim attempted to map the movement of birds, wildlife, people and anything else that moved withing the sanctuary. The notion of mapping the movement of everything was obviously a folly and an impossible task particularly for one sole individual, but observing and recording the continuous activity, patterns of movement and the interactions & relationships between species, conditions, weather led to the creation of new works and an indepth knowledge of the sanctuary, which significantly shaped the design process.
The process of mapping was performed using a gps enabled tablet with a very high resolution satellite image of the sanctuary and a bespoke drawing app with which Tim could draw movements in realtime onto the satelite image. Recording the path of the movement and identifying descriptive information in a database of records from which different data sets could be drawn out - for particular research or specific drawings.
The 8 drawings each 2000mm x 1500mm were exhibited in Dynamic Environment at Calgary Contemporary, Calgary, CANADA in 2019.
© Tim Knowles